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The Mar-Lowdown

Are my cramps normal? What does my discharge mean? Does cranberry juice help with UTIs?

Got any burning questions, or sensations? 😜 Welcome to the Mar-lowdown, let’s learn together.

5 Misconceptions About Tampons

5 Misconceptions About Tampons

Since the topic of the menstrual cycle has been taboo for so long, it is bound to breed myths. It is only through continuous and dedicated awareness campaigns on all platforms that we can shame these myths into submission and let menstruating people be free of the burden to hide what comes naturally as part of their biology. 
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Why is my period blood brown?

Why is my period blood brown?

From pink to cherry red to brown to even black, our menstrual blood varies from person to person and cycle to cycle. If you're like me, mainstream media made me believe that menstrual blood was either blue (thanks to Tampax commercials) or cherry red, so saying I was confused when I noticed something brownish/blackish in my underwear is an understatement.
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The Case of Pesky Pimples: How Your Period Affects Your Skin

The Case of Pesky Pimples: How Your Period Affects Your Skin

It’s no coincidence that your breakouts might appear in the same spots at roughly the same time every month. Is your period just around the corner when you start ‘randomly’ seeing new spots? Does your forehead indicate you’ve just had your period by breaking out profusely (me)? Enter: the cycle’s effect on the skin.
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What is PMS?

What is PMS?

If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say, “wow she’s not in a very good mood, she must be PMS-ing”... well, I’m sure you know where this is going. In this week’s blog post, the Marlow team is exploring all things PMS: understanding what exactly it is, highlighting the truth about what it means to have it, and debunking some of the myths that circulate about it.
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Amenorrhea (ei · meh · nr · ee · uh): Where Did My Period Go?

Amenorrhea (ei · meh · nr · ee · uh): Where Did My Period Go?

Have you ever missed a period? More than three in a row? Then you’ve likely experienced amenorrhea. While we may get excited over not having to experience our periods, it’s important to look into why amenorrhea is occurring. Let's dive into what amenorrhea is, why it happens, and how we glorify it.
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