"I recommend marlow to mothers with daughters wanting to switch to tampons."
- Angella M.
Gift your child the period experience you wish you had
How It Works
Designed to make inserting tampons a breeze, the marlow lubricant bottle perfectly coats your tampon in lubricant with one quick, mess-free dip.

Extend the inner tube

Gently pull out the inner tube of the applicator until you feel it click into place.

Dip the tampon

Dip your marlow tampon into the bottle of lubricant once and remove.

Smooth sailing

Insert your tampon as usual - but now, way more comfortably than ever before!
How It Works:
Designed to make inserting tampons a breeze, the marlow lubricant bottle perfectly coats your tampon in lubricant with one quick, mess-free dip.

Extend the inner tube

Gently pull out the inner tube of the applicator until you feel it click into place.

Dip the tampon

Dip your marlow tampon into the bottle of lubricant once and remove.

Smooth sailing

Insert your tampon as usual - but now, way
more comfortably
than ever before!